Privacy Policy

All of this policy, from the Statement of Principles on down to the Explanations, is meant to function as a Code of Ethics.

Transparent Soul is committed to operating in a completely legal and ethical manner at all times. In addition, Transparent Hands owes it to its shareholders and other stakeholders to maintain an environment where no employee, director, or officer can be held accountable for their activities. As a result, the following Statement of Principles (SOP) has been approved by Transparent Soul.

Statement of Transparent Soul Principles:

  • As a highly ethical business, we follow all local, state, and federal regulations, both in form and in spirit, even when our competitors don’t. All Transparent Hands and Business Segment directors, officers, employees, and consultants are expected to adhere to this Principle at all times and in all locations.
  • Our staff consists of moral people who really want to help their communities thrive. We recognize the unique contributions it makes to the business and commend its success.
  • By listening to hospitals, healthcare systems, donors, and patients, we’ve created a safe platform that meets the requirements of all parties involved.
  • All financial transactions conducted via our safe platform are guaranteed to originate from and end up at legitimate businesses under the watchful eye of approved Transparent Hands staff members. Our goal is to prevent any kind of fraud, money laundering, or other questionable behavior that might fund terrorism or other criminal activities.
  • The prerequisites for the Patient Profile have been outlined in detail in Interpretations, number 7 below).
  • We want a mutually beneficial partnership with our clients, one built on mutual trust, appreciation, and expansion.
  • Everyone’s right to privacy and inherent worth as a human being is upheld by us. As a company, we are committed to creating a culture where everyone is treated with the respect they deserve at work. Any kind of harassment is unacceptable since it goes against this Principle.
  • We do not discriminate on the basis of race, gender, religion, age, handicap, sexual orientation, or any other characteristic in the selection, dismissal, remuneration, promotion, or benefits extended to any employee or applicant. Those who meet our requirements are all treated the same.
  • We comply with Pakistani legislation and with any other antitrust and similar regulations that relate to our international commercial activities. We shall actively promote open and honest product-market competition.
  • We want personnel who will uphold our Statement of Principles and contribute tirelessly to the company’s overall success (financial and otherwise).
  • We work hard to better the lives of our workers as full people within the context of the many social systems in which we operate.
  • impact positive change in local social circumstances, both via our own business and, if feasible, outside.
  • Companies, representatives, and providers that support the Transparent Hands Statement of Principles are given priority in our procurement processes.

Appointment of Ethics Officer

The Transparent Soul SOP is the responsibility of the Ethics Officer, who should be appointed by the Transparent Soul CEO and report to the CEO. The SOP will be administered and implemented by the Ethics Officer, who will also be responsible for providing workers with periodic training on how to apply the SOP.

The Ethics Officer will have access to adequate resources from Transparent Soul and will be permitted to hire expert advisors to help achieve these aims. At a minimum, the Board of Directors may expect an annual report on the SOP from the Ethics Officer.


According to Transparent Hands’ reading of the SOP, some behaviors are forbidden and others are required. The following are examples of some of the possible interpretations. This is not meant to be an exhaustive list. Confidential conversations with the Ethics Officer should be initiated promptly if there are concerns about violating the SOP.

  • Prohibition of Self-Dealing; Avoidance of Conflicts of Interest The Company expects its workers to be loyal and fair to the Company, and this expectation is reflected in our SOP. Therefore, it is against company policy for any employee to engage in any kind of self-dealing or conflict of interest with Transparent Hands. When an opportunity presents itself at Transparent Soul, no employee is allowed to keep it for themselves. The Ethics Officer must be informed of any such financial interest, and the CEO must be informed of any potential conflict of interest, self-dealing, or business opportunity involving an employee. Only the Board of Directors of Transparent Hands has the authority to waive a conflict of interest, self-dealing, or personal use of a business opportunity, and any such waiver will be immediately communicated to Transparent Hands’ shareholders. Except as provided in the following sentence, an employee may not have a “financial interest” in any entity with which Transparent Soul does business, either directly or indirectly, including but not limited to any ownership interest, debtor-lender relationship, employment, managerial, partnership, consulting, or agency relationship. When an employee receives financial advantages that might have gone to the Company but are instead received by the employee (such as IPO stock allocations or the acquisition of property), this is considered a “corporate opportunity” by the Company. Before participating in any action or interest that could seem improper, or that might fit the definitions in this paragraph, an employee should consult with the Ethics Officer.
  • No illegal or questionable contributions or payments shall be made by or on behalf of Transparent Soul to or for the benefit of any official, employee, or entity of any government, anywhere in the world, and our Statement of Principles is to be interpreted to mean that we will not make any political contributions of corporate funds or property to any candidate or political party,
  • anywhere in the world. Cash, gifts in kind, subscriptions, memberships, loans, advances, deposits, the purchase of tickets, the purchase of advertising space on behalf of a third party, the furnishing of supplies, and the payment of expenses on behalf of a third party are all examples of the types of contributions and payments that fall under this ban.
  • Providing labor or carrying out an activity
  • The implementation of any Transparent Souls feature
  • Selling or leasing goods or services below cost
  • The foregoing prohibitions apply only to contributions made with Transparent Hands’ money or property, and are not meant to prevent directors, officers, employees, or agents from giving freely to political candidates, parties, or organizations of their own free will. If the Chief Executive Officer of Transparent Hands determines that a particular payment or contribution does not violate the company’s ethical standards and he obtains a written legal opinion on the matter that is approved by General Counsel, then an exception to this general policy may be made.

No director, officer, employee, or agent of Transparent Soul shall, directly or indirectly, undertake any of the actions set forth below with the purpose of inducing such person to use his influence (whether reassuring or otherwise) to obtain or retain business. This includes, but is not limited to, bribery, kickbacks, under-the-table payments, rebates, discounts, and other promotional
Do anything with money, like making or approving payments.
Give out bonuses or other forms of compensation.
To make or accept any kind of payment, gratuity, or other agreement, whether official or informal, in which Transparent Hands or any of its subsidiaries is a party or beneficiary.

  • Don’t provide or accept any kind of rebate, kickback, illegal discount, or special promotional allowance.
    Inconsistent Accounting Methods: Our Statement of Principles is interpreted to require strict adherence to Transparent Hands’ prescribed internal accounting policies, practices, controls, and procedures, which have been devised to provide reasonable assurances that transactions have been executed in accordance with management’s general or specific authorization. (For details, please refer to No. 4 on “Financial Controls, Records, and Reporting”). For the purposes of maintaining responsibility for all assets and preparing financial statements in line with generally accepted accounting standards, it is essential that our accounting records properly and completely represent all transactions that have taken place. Any kind of dishonest bookkeeping is strictly forbidden. “Off-book” accounts and “slush funds” are two examples of illegal, irregular accounting practices.
    Fabricated information in any form found in Transparent Hands’ books, records, or supporting documentation.
    Agreements to overcharge customers.
  • “Round tripping” refers to transactions in which one party pays another party for products or services above and beyond what such goods or services are really worth.
    Cash transfers are done with the agreement that some or all of the funds will be used for anything other than what is specified in the paperwork evidencing the transfer.
    Liabilities are removed from the balance sheet and placed in special-purpose entities.
  • Transparent Souls’ policy is to provide complete, fair, accurate, timely, and intelligible disclosure in all reports and papers submitted and to preserve books, records, and accounts that reasonably disclose the transactions and disposal of all of Transparent Souls’ assets.
  • All employees, executives, and directors of Transparent Soul are expected to keep private any information provided to them by Transparent Soul or its clients, unless disclosure is specifically permitted or required by law. All non-public information that might be useful to rivals or damaging to Transparent Soul or its clients if released is considered confidential and must be protected.
  • All workers, executives, and directors of Transparent Soul are obligated, in accordance with our Statement of Principles, to take reasonable precautions to safeguard company property and to maximize the effectiveness of all company resources. Profitability at Transparent Soul is directly impacted by theft, carelessness, and waste. Only appropriate commercial uses of corporate resources are permitted.
  • Limitations and Participant Profiles: A medically qualified Transparent Soul resource must authorize all patients before they may participate in the program. The Transparent Soul service will verify if the patient has low income and a medical condition that the hospital can treat. This might be the case for a patient with a lifelong illness like cancer, or it could be the outcome of an unexpected yet costly catastrophe.

General Rules:

  • For the purposes of this policy statement, “Transparent Souls” shall encompass all units within each business segment, and therefore all directors, officers, and employees of Transparent Hands and its business segments are bound by this policy statement.
  • Directors, officers, and employees or agents of Transparent Soul who become aware of or suspect illegal activity are obligated to disclose this information to the organization’s Ethics Officer and/or Board of Directors without delay.
  • If you have any questions about this Policy or its applicability, you should meet with the Ethics Officer to discuss your concerns.
    The Chief Executive Officer shall be responsible for enforcing this policy and ensuring that it is followed. Each worker must comply with the rules and report any infractions they see.
  • Anyone found in violation of the restrictions outlined in this policy shall face disciplinary action, which may include suspension or termination of employment. These clauses do not limit Transparent Soul’s ability to pursue legal action against wrongdoers.