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Leisa’s Wings
68 Donors

-19853 Days Left

Leisa’s Wings

Raised: $1,700.00 / Goal: $5,000.00

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Leisa's Wings is to support and raIse awareness on kidney failure. Leisa has been living with kidney failure since 2006 , as the time has passed! The illness has progressed, she now sits on 27 years old with end stage renal failure which causes her to be confined to a dialysis meachines in her bedroom. Which doesn't give her much of a life... Leisa's Wings will be to raise enough money so a dialysis meachine can be put in a caravan so she is able to travel as her autistic son lives on the other side of the country with her parents as her sickness made her unable to take care of him. Leisa's Quest is to raise enough money to get on the road and when she is travelling Australia she will be raising awareness on kidney disease...