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How to Write a Great Fundraiser Title

How to Write a Great Fundraiser Title

Your fundraiser title is a helpful tool for communicating what you are hoping to fundraise for in a clear and concise way. If you are unsure what you should include in your fundraiser’s title, check out the tips on this page.

5 tips for writing your Transparent Soul’s title:

1. Use names and details when possible

Adding details to your fundraiser title should help potential donors understand at a high-level what you are fundraising for. When possible, try using details like names of who you are helping (if it isn’t you), or specifically what funds will be used for. For example, if you are raising money for your neighbor’s who lost their home to wildfires, try a title like “Help the Johnson Family rebuild their home”. Or if you are fundraising for college tuition, try a title like “Help me pay for college tuition to become a teacher”.

2. Utilize “action” words

An action word (or verb) expresses something that a person can do. Action words like “help,” “support,” “fund,” and “grow,” can help prompt potential donors to donate. This can look something like “Support the Bolton Family after their loss” or “Help my new coffee business grow.” For more action words, visit this list from

3. Avoid one word titles

Action words like “help,” “support,” “fund,” and “grow,” can help prompt potential donors to donate. This can look something like “Support the Bolton Family after their loss” or “Help my new coffee business grow”.

4. Utilize title case punctuation

Writing your title in title case, which means capitalizing the first letter of every word, is a great way to help readers read your title clearly. An example of a fundraiser in title case is, “Help My Mom Take Her Dream Trip.” Try to avoid using all-cap format (such as HELP) as it can confuse potential donors or come across as suspicious.

5. Know you can change your title

If you make a mistake in your Transparent Soul title, don’t worry. You can always change your fundraiser title. It is recommended you avoid changing your title too many times so that people who have donated already can find your title again. Find out more about how to change your Transparent Soul title in this help center article.


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